
Showing posts from April, 2024

Google De-Ranking small businesses.

Its not you,  Google search results are unhelpful  - On purpose! I have contemplated posting this since late March of 2024. Don't want to come off as whining, but I feel like people outside the sphere should know. We were in the top 10 of results for multiple keywords (searches) now we are on page 5, or not ranking at all for those keywords. Websites are ranked by keywords. When you search for "painter near me" - that phrase is a keyword. These are my observations after spending the last year working on our website to make it better. Google does what are called Core Updates 3-4 times a year. That last Core update in March, pretty much de-ranked our website across those keywords Everyone claims that its all about content, good helpful content. I have spent hundreds of hours creating one of a kind content for our website. I have typed out over 25,000 words explaining the details of our work for our clients/potential clients. Some of which is turning up on AI generated websi

Ceiling Painting by Carrigan Painting

We are re-painting the entire interior of this home.

Interior House Painting Part 3

 We started this project repairing major water damage to plaster ceilings and walls in this home. Once the damage was repaired, the homeowners decided to have us skim coat the affected ceilings and repaint the rooms. These are those photos.  More can be found in these two posts: And then the repairs: Interior House Painting 4-12-24

Modernizing Old Swirl Ceilings - From Texture to Smooth in 3 Rooms - Part 2

  This home had a swirl texture that was created with paint. These ceilings were not the traditional sand swirl texture found in many homes around Buffalo.  You can see the swirl in the photo below. This is the first coat. Tomorrow we will go back and apply the second coat of drywall mud to the ceilings. Once they are dry, we will sand the ceilings. Then prime the ceilings with oil base primer due to all the ceilings having water damage which we repaired on a previous trip .  These water stains will burn through latex paint, and may require multiple coats of shellac primer to get acceptable coverage. Which is why we will use an oil primer. Prime + Paint = stains Gone! More to Come! Skim Coating by Carrigan Painting Here are the left overs from today. We are pretty quick at skim coating however it is very labor intensive and tiring. Tomorrow we will sand the ceilings we skim coated, and then prime them. The primer we are using is an oil base primer due to the extensive water damage thes