Multiple Ceiling Repairs in Cheektowaga NY - Updated 4-10-24 Part 1

Plaster Bulge

Multiple areas in this home require ceiling repair work as the result of water leaks. After the water damage is repaired, we will be skim coating the affected ceilings to make them smooth, and then painting said ceilings.

This area was bad, the plaster was literally falling off the ceiling. Trying to show this in photos is difficult

Plaster Ceiling damage

This bump was quite substantial

Plaster Ceiling damage

This was a first for us - Fire Dept showing up because of dust! We have had smoke alarms go off before because of dust, but never had the fire department show up! They were quick too!

We ran in to a material supplier issue on this job so had to do a drywall patch. There is a framing issue as well (sagging ceiling joist).

Plaster Ceiling Repaired with drywall

With plaster, we would lay basecoat, and then finish it, in one day. However with drywall, we are now into day 2 with this patch due to the thickness of the compound.

Plaster Ceiling Repaired with drywall

We are skim coating this ceiling as well. There is a weird bump in the ceiling on the right of the patch caused by a sagging ceiling joist that we can see with our darby, and will become much more apparent when the ceiling is smooth. So we are building up this area to make it look flat.

Often times, a wavy ceiling is textured to hide the fact that it is indeed not flat.

While working in the living room, we are also working in the bedrooms as well.

Water Damage Wall & Ceiling Damage

We removed the water damaged plaster, and then refinished the area using finish coat plaster.
Water Damage Wall & Ceiling Repair

Wall & Ceiling Repair with plaster

This is another bedroom ceiling. This was largely superficial aside from some areas the finish coat plaster lost adhesion to the basecoat. We filled in the areas with plaster, and then top coated with drywall compound. This ceiling is also being skim coated.

Update: 4/9/23:
All done 

Interior Painting

The rest of the photos can be viewed in this blog post:
Modernizing Swirl Ceilings

Carrigan Painting



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