Deck refinishing Gone Wrong – Our Last Deck.

Deck refinishing Gone Wrong – Our Last Deck.

 We recoating this deck about 3 years ago, the homeowners are selling the house so they asked us to come back to freshen it up.

We pressure washed the deck, then lightly sanded the deck and railings with an orbital sander. After which we applied one coat of semi-transparent stain to the deck, railings, and spindles.

Pressure Washing
Deck Staining
It needs to be stated that we have not found a stain, available in New York, that will last longer than one year. We did however use a product in Lancaster NY that will supposedly last 3-5 years. Its a paint. 

Carrigan Painting



August 22, 2024

Our Last Deck

We used to do deck staining on a regular basis. However due to ever stringent EPA and NYS regulations deck stain is not what it used to be. Ten years ago, you could stain a deck, and it would be in nice shape for 3-5 years.

Today, your lucky to get a year. Often times even less before the coating fails and peals off. From a homeowner perspective makes you look incompetent, possibly even negligent, especially considering the costs involved. Pressure washing and staining a deck is not a cheap project. Figure $1,500 at the low end, and the sky is the limit on the high end.

You expect to get something for your money! But unfortunately, the EPA, and NYS feel that its better if you waste your money staining your deck, over and over and over.. Personally I don’t see how that is saving the environment.. spend more on material plus the waste of the left over contaminated material, the brushes and rollers, vs using a product that actually lasts a few years? /rant

Any ways, this deck lasted about 2 weeks before pealing. I decided to strip the area that is exposed to the weather of the new coating, since it rained the past 4 days straight, I am letting it sit, as ugly as it is for a few days to bake in the sun before applying more stain.

I am very very disappointed!

Stain pealing off deck
stain pealing off deck

To sand this down, took about 5 hours with 50grit sand paper on a belt sander.

sanded deck
sanded deck

It began to rain.

The reason I didn’t just touch up the bare spots with more stain is because if one area is pealing, how long before the rest begins to peal? How many times am I going to come back for this as more and more peals? Its not fair to the client.

So I decided at the time its best just to get back down to bare wood. Start over.

At $0 cost to the homeowner. We did the work, so we are accountable for it when it fails, and it failed, so now we will fix it free of charge.

No more decks. Call someone else.



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One response to “Deck refinishing Gone Wrong – Our Last Deck.”

  1. temp mail Avatar

    Hey, you’ve done a fantastic job here. I’m sharing this with my friends because I’m confident they’ll find it just as valuable as I did!

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