The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!

The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!

This home located in the Village of Williamsville, has the plaster bulge curse. This room being the worst, we started here. Due to the heavy paint texture on the ceiling and the multiple previous repairs, we skim coated the ceiling to make it smooth and flat.

When it comes to a plaster bulge, its hard to tell just how big it will get. Sometimes they stay small, usually they grow large. Sometimes the damage is quite extensive. There is really no way to tell, just by looking at it.

bedroom with numerous plaster bulges
plaster bulge on ceiling
plaster bulge on wall

After carefully chopping out the bulges, and removing the loose plaster, we applied our bonding agent to the affected areas.

The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!

In this case, the basecoat was still very well attached to the wood lath. Since its not damaged, we leave it in place and plaster right over the top of it.

Because the entire ceiling is being skim coated, I wasn’t too worried about making the plaster patches overly smooth. Plus the added roughness will also aid in the mechanical adhesion of the drywall mud. We could have patched this with drywall mud, but that is even more work as it would require multiple coats to fill in the missing plaster, vs one coat of finish plaster then skim coat the ceiling.

The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!
The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!

Update: 12/12/24:
All finished. Came out nice.

The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!
The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!
The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!
The Curse of the Plaster Bulge Strikes Again!

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If your having repair work done and your walls or ceilings are textured, Please save a piece of the wall/ceiling for texture matching purposes. Popcorn excluded.

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