Deck Painting in Lancaster NY – Rust Oleum 6x Review

Deck Painting in Lancaster NY – Rust Oleum 6x Review

Deck Painting

Lancaster, NY
Deck Painting in Lancaster NY - Rust Oleum 6x Review
We stopped painting decks a few years ago due to the inability to get a product that actually lasts longer than 8-12 months. Spend thousands of dollars to have a painter professionally refinish your deck just to have it peal in sheets with in a year is a great way to tarnish a great reputation. Its so bad we stopped painting decks!
However one of our clients used a product by Rust Oleum 3-4 years ago and it seemed to hold up well. A lot better than anything we have seen. So we decided to go ahead with refinishing her deck, using the same product she used previously.

Another contractor pressure washed her deck prior to our arrival, so we scraped it, power sanded, and then applied 1 coat of Rust oleum 6x to the deck. The paint is THICK. About 2x the thickness of Sherwin Williams Duration before they changed the formula in 2021. Easy to work with though. It brushes out nicely and has excellent self levelling properties. Costs around $50 per gallon and you can buy it at Valu.

Deck Painting in Lancaster NY - Rust Oleum 6x Review
Deck Painting in Lancaster NY - Rust Oleum 6x Review

Deck Painting in Lancaster NY - Rust Oleum 6x Review

Deck Painting in Lancaster NY - Rust Oleum 6x Review

Deck Painting in Lancaster NY - Rust Oleum 6x Review

Deck Painting in Lancaster NY - Rust Oleum 6x Review

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