Popcorn ceiling removal in Lancaster NY.

Popcorn ceiling removal in Lancaster NY.

Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Lancaster NY 14086

Popcorn Ceiling Removal 

We have removed our share of popcorn ceiling texture from ceilings all over western New York. We use water to remove the ceiling texture, as its the safest, most efficient way to remove a popcorn ceiling. We have tried the sanding method, and while that does work, and is sometimes faster, multiple visits to the chiropractor after the fact is usually required so we don’t do that anymore. Imagine holding up a 25 pound broom, against your ceiling and moving it across the ceiling, taking care not to dig into the drywall. Its not easy, and literally is back breaking work.

Our way, while messier, is easier. And typically results in less over all dust, as well as negating the asbestos risk. We take a 2 gallon sprayer, fill it with warm water, and spray your ceilings til they begin to drip, then move to the next area, and then come back and hit the areas we started with. At that point, we take a 6″ putty knife and scrape off the texture. 

If the ceilings have never been painted, we have a special tool that works extremely well to remove texture. However often the ceiling have been painted due to their age, theyre dirty, so naturally we want white ceilings, so about 50% of the ceilings we remove are painted. The water method stil works, just takes a bit more finesse.


Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Lancaster NY 14086

Popcorn Texture is Often Used to Hide Defects

Often times, popcorn texture was applied to ceilings to hide damage. Such as in this case there was a fair amount of ceiling damage and over all ‘weirdness’ going on that required patching in addition to skim coating the entire ceiling
Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Lancaster NY 14086
Here is Stacy working her drywall magic. This area required extensive patching.
Ceiling Repair in Lancaster NY 14086

Always looks really bad right before it looks amazing.


Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Lancaster NY 14086

Professional Problem Solvers

We run into this from time to time. We tried using a quality, high build latex primer from Sherwin in this area, and well as you can see it didn’t work. We promptly returned it to Sherwin. Another disappointment. So we switched back to our tried and true oil primer from Sherwin.


Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Lancaster NY 14086

Ceiling Skim Coating

Once the ceiling were primed, we skim coated them. Then sanded, then primed with oil primer (because it works) and then made touchups to our work.

Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Lancaster NY 14086


Popcorn Ceiling Removal in Lancaster NY 14086

Once we were happy with how the ceilings looked, we painted them. Came out really nice. In these photos, the ceiling paint was still drying. For whatever reason, the ceilings took forever to dry in this house. 

Ceiling Painters

Ceiling painters in Lancaster NY 14086
Ceiling Paintersl in Lancaster NY 14086
We also did the kitchen, hall, and master bedroom ceilings.
Ceiling Painters in Lancaster NY 14086
Ceiling Painters in Lancaster NY 14086
Ceiling Painters in Lancaster NY 14086
You would never know we had an issue around the staircase.
Ceiling Painters in Lancaster NY 14086
Master bedroom ceiling.. Complete with glitter!
Ceiling Painters in Lancaster NY 14086
Ceiling Painters in Lancaster NY 14086
Ceiling Painters in Lancaster NY 14086
I figured the job would take about a week to complete. However due to the drying issues we ran into, the total project ended up taking 7 days.
If you would like to discuss removing popcorn ceilings in your home, give us a call: 716-697-3560

We have more information about popcorn ceiling texture here
How do you like your Popcorn?




















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We do not work in the City of Buffalo
If your having repair work done and your walls or ceilings are textured, Please save a piece of the wall/ceiling for texture matching purposes. Popcorn excluded.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave an anonymous comment below. I will answer your questions!


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