Basement Ceiling Painters in Akron, NY

Basement Ceiling Painting

in Akron, NY

Basement ceiling painting near clarence NY 

Painting basement ceilings isn’t something we do every day, but we have done a few of them. They do require extensive prep, and typically takes a few days. Due to the ceiling being black, lighting can become a problem. Suddenly all of our super bright lights aren’t quite as bright anymore.

Basement ceiling painting near clarence NY

Basement ceiling painting near clarence NY
If this is something your looking to have done in your home, empty as much stuff out of the areas to be painted. Also note that in this scenario, it’s strongly advisable to paint the walls AFTER the ceiling is sprayed.
Basement ceiling painting near clarence NY
Due to the poor lighting, we always do at least 2 coats on the ceiling. This ensures uniform coverage.
Basement ceiling painting near clarence NY
Basement ceiling painting near clarence NY
Basement ceiling painting near clarence NY
Basement ceiling painting near clarence NY
If you would like a quote to paint your basement ceiling, give us a call at 716-697-3560


Contact us Today!

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We do not work in the City of Buffalo
If your having repair work done and your walls or ceilings are textured, Please save a piece of the wall/ceiling for texture matching purposes. Popcorn excluded.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave an anonymous comment below. I will answer your questions!


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